What are the Benefits of Yoga in the Morning?

Besides yoga being one of the most energizing, stimulating and enlightening experiences, there is a long list of benefits that come with it.
Physical and mental health are the main benefits obtained by exercise, but have you ever wondered what are the benefits of yoga when practiced daily in the morning?
We’ll explain some benefits for you. So take out your mat and let’s start the day in the best way!
Helps awake your mind and body
Waking up and starting your yoga routine could help keep your mind clear, active and alert, it also sustains your physical stamina and endurance throughout your day and all the way into the evening. This is one of the main reasons why yoga soothes the mind and helps your body relax.
Enhance your sleep
If you’re struggling to snag more shut-eye, yoga could help. While insomnia can have many long-term effects, including mood changes, memory loss, and daytime sleepiness, it’s been proven that practicing yoga regularly at any time can be beneficial to enhance the quality of your daily sleep.
Better flexibility and mobility
There are many reasons why having a flexible body is vital to our well-being and overall health. No doubt yoga has a ton of different postures that are originally performed to improve our flexibility and build muscular strength, while retraining our deep connective tissue.
Bye-bye caffeine
Who doesn’t love a warm cup of coffee in the morning? We all do but even though it is a liquid, coffee is a diuretic and by drinking it, you might sweat more and lose valuable vitamins like potassium, magnesium and calcium in the morning. So why not replace it with yoga for that boost of energy and in a much healthier way.
Make you happy
Yoga touches the nervous system, helping to release hormones that will improve your daily mood. This is why the mood boost received after a yoga practice is one of the most beneficial reasons to practice in the mornings and deliberately helps reduce anxiety when practiced frequently.
Avoid procrastination
Waking up in the morning is not an easy task for all of us, and with work, daily chores, kids, and home responsibilities it can sometimes be exhausting to find time for ourselves, meditate, and focus on our yoga routine. For this same reason, waking up and practicing it in the morning can help you avoid procrastinating and carry out all activities without feeling guilty about skipping your “me time”
Takes Care of Digestive System
Many studies have proved many times that your brain and gut are interconnected. If your body cannot absorb and digest the food eaten properly the next morning, then that can create other health issues and may even affect your intake the same day.
By doing yoga in the morning, the body’s metabolism is boosted and the digestive system releases waste products and digests the required nutrients very much efficiently.
New to yoga? At PIES Fitness Yoga Studio in Alexandria, VA we believe everyone should be able to experience the benefits of yoga. We strive to offer over 30 intimate classes weekly that are accessible to all, especially those new to yoga!