Tips to Stay Active in the New Year

The New Year may seem like a great excuse to cozy up on your couch and push your fitness routine to the sidelines. Even though the New Year brings freezing winds outside, you do not have to take a break from physical activity when the temperature drops. Exercising in cooler New Year weather has some unique advantages over working out in the other times of the year! American Heart Association recommendations at least 150 minutes of heart-pumping aerobic exercise per week to improve your quality of life. In this New Year, move more, with more intensity, and sit less.
Here are a few tips to help you keep yourself active during the frigid new year days:
1. Exercising at home
The simplest way to work out at home is the bodyweight exercises. Using your body weight can help you build strength, endurance and burn calories. However, without any added resistance, it might not be enough to challenge your body and burn calories. For a more effective workout, you could buy some exercise equipment like a yoga mat or hand weights and make your home gym.
2. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator
Walking up a flight of stairs is one of the best exercises you can do without going to the gym. It builds muscle mass, since you’re fighting gravity, and it burns calories. Stairs are everywhere, and they can be the most accessible and convenient way of staying active during this New Year!
3. Playing indoor sports
New Year is the time for celebrating with your friends and family. You could kill two birds with one stone playing some of your favorite indoor sports. High-intensity indoor sports like ping pong and dodgeball will improve the muscles in shoulders, back, abs and arms, while burning calories.
4. Swimming in indoor pools
Indoor pools can provide a wonderful venue for exercise during cold New Year days. This good all-round activity will build up endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness. It will also help maintain a healthy weight, heart, and lungs while toning up muscles and building up strength.
5. Yoga
Yoga may be the easiest way to stay fit during the New Year days. Regular yoga practice improves both mental and physical health. Here are some other astonishing benefits of yoga:
- Yoga can help stretch out the tight muscles to keep you balanced.
- The cold days of the New Year can make the symptoms of osteoarthritis even worse. Yoga can counter arthritis symptoms and help relieve the pain and lack of mobility.
- Yoga exercises can get your blood moving, spreading the heat around your body. It is the perfect remedy for cold hands and feet.
- Yoga can boost your immune system. Moreover, the cold weather can also make asthma symptoms worse. Yoga can soothe asthma symptoms with breathing techniques.
If the notion of starting yoga at home by yourself intimidates you, you can consider joining a yoga studio. Along with learning proper yoga techniques, you can connect, learn, support, and celebrate each other at a good yoga studio.
If staying fit is in your new year resolution, you can consider attending a class at PIES Fitness Yoga Studio. Along with staying fit, yoga can help you become the best version of yourself. At PIES, you will be moving and calming down your body, and clearing your head. Here you will learn to become more mindful, reduce your stress, and focus on what your body needs.