Importance of Yoga in Our Lives

Yoga is the alignment of the mind, body and soul. In practicing Yoga, your health will improve and allow you to grow spiritually and physically. Yoga is increasing in popularity and it has many benefits including weight loss, improved relationships and pain management. Yoga is the alignment of the mind, body and the soul
Definition of Yoga
Yoga has been around in for over 5000 years. While the definition of Yoga can vary depending on the philosophical or theological system it is practiced, the ultimate goal of Yoga is moksha or liberation. The essence of yoga focuses on elevating the life force or “Kundalini” at the base of the spine through exercises (physical and mental). According to Jacobsen in the Theory And Practice of Yoga: Essays in Honour of Gerald James Larson, Yoga has 5 meanings:
- Yoga, as a disciplined way for reaching a goal;
- Yoga, as a methodology of managing the mind & body;
- Yoga, as a name of one of the schools or systems of philosophy (darśana);
- Yoga, in connection with other words, such as “hatha-, mantra-, and laya-,” referring to traditions specializing in particular techniques of yoga;
- Yoga, as the goal of Yoga practice.
Importance of Yoga
Yoga can be a vital part of one’s health and wellness and while there are many benefits, here are some of the reasons that yoga is important:
- Reaching perfect equilibrium and harmony;
- Helping with self-healing;
- Lifts or removes negativity and toxins from the mind and body;
- Increases personal power and control;
- Makes one more self-aware;
- Increases attention, focus and concentration;
- Reduces overall stress.
Yoga is very important to individuals and also can have a positive impact on the world. At PIES, we are focused on ensuring that you have the best Yoga Experience in Northern Virginia. We have various beginner yoga and senior yoga programs and classes at our studios in Alexandria, Virginia, please give us a at 703-887-9574 to schedule your class.
- Trade Center Studio: 374 South Picket Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22304
- Valley Forge Studio: 33 South Picket Street, Suite 200, Alexandria, Virginia 22304 (Entrance 5201 Valley Forge Drive)
Check out our blog for additional posts about yoga and our other classes.