How to Stay Active During the Winter

It can be a bit tough to get the motivation to stay active when the wind is howling or the snow is blowing. You may think that it’s too cold to exercise. Still, you shouldn’t give up all the thoughts of staying active during the winter. Short preparation will help you to go through the winter months ahead.
Here are some ways to stay active during the winter months:
Insulate Your Body
In the winter, you could lose body heat when you come in contact with something cold, such as when you sit on the ground. You could also lose heat by convection. You need to wear layers of clothes to protect yourself from both of these two kinds of heat loss. Layering gives the most efficient way to stay warm and dry. Moreover, you can remove the top layer if you get too hot. Always avoid cotton as once it gets wet, it tends to stay wet.
Keep Your Clothes On
You may want to immediately remove layers when you go back inside, but you should give your body time to adjust. If you think you are not wet, wait for ten to fifteen minutes before changing into other outfits. If you lose heat from the body then you may suffer post-exercise hypothermia. Your body may reduce its production of heat while losing its existing heat stores.
Use Daylight Hours
It is best to be active outdoors while there is still light outside. But more it may not always work for you in the smaller winter days. If you want to work out while it is dark outside, try to wear reflective materials on your clothes to stay safe.
Create A Home Gym
You can create a great workout area in your living room or basement and buy some cheap accessories such as stretch bands and a stability ball. You could also try Calisthenics exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, burpees, and more.
Yoga Is The Most Natural Way To Stay Fit In Winter
Yoga could be your favorite workout in winter. You can do this at your own pace by creating a home routine. You should stretch how you like and practice poses which you feel easy to do. Plus, you can have control over the music. With a little self-motivation, you’ll have your home practice routine down in no time.
Here are some tips to get you started.
A Simple Starter Yoga Routine:
- Child’s Pose: Start here for a few breaths. In this is a kneeling asana, you can check-in with how you’re feeling, calm your breathing, and begin to relax your body and mind.
- Cat-Cow: Start in tabletop and move through Cat-Cow, going with the flow of your breath. This will warm up your spine. Inhale for Cow pose, exhale for Cat.
- Back Bend: If you feel that you need energy, try a backbend either on your knees or standing up. This will stretch your body a lot.
- Forward Bend: This will not only stretch out your hamstrings but your lower back, too. It will also put pressure on the digestive organs and help calm the nervous system and mind.
Final Words
While practicing yoga alone can be fulfilling, you should try a yoga studio if you want a better exercise routine. If you think you need a bit of motivation and a companion to push you on in these winter weeks, then visit PIES Fitness Yoga Studio, book in and say goodbye to the hibernating bear.
PIES Fitness Yoga Studio has classes on various types of yoga, and can also teach you the proper techniques to achieve a healthy body in winter. We have a specialized senior yoga class too. Book the Beginner Yoga class by Pies Fitness Yoga Studio and stay active throughout the day.