How is Yoga Therapy different from Yoga?

If you’ve been to a yoga class, you know that it’s more than just stretching and bending.

It’s also a way to promote relaxation and mindfulness, which can be helpful when you’re dealing with stress or pain. But some people use yoga in another way: as a therapy to help cope with certain conditions or treat others. In this post, we’ll take a look at how Yoga Therapy is different from regular yoga classes and what it can do for your body and mind.

The Difference Between Yoga Therapy and Regular Yoga

Yoga Therapy is a therapeutic system that uses the tenets of yoga. It can be performed by health professionals who have professional training and qualifications in yoga therapy.

The focus of yoga therapy is different than the focus of general yoga practice, which is primarily focused on physical fitness and wellness. While most people practice general hatha or restorative (not therapeutic) styles at home or in studios, these styles may not be appropriate for those with chronic health conditions such as arthritis or fibromyalgia because they require flexibility that some people may lack due to their condition.

The focus of yoga therapy is different from the focus of general yoga practice

Yoga therapy is different from general yoga practice in that the focus of yoga therapy is on the physical, mental and emotional well-being of the person. The practitioner uses yogic principles and practices to help individuals improve their health and wellness.

This means that while general Yoga aims to improve physical fitness through postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama), meditation, general wellness, etc., a practitioner of yoga therapy will focus on specific issues affecting an individual’s health such as stress management or anxiety reduction techniques in different ways.

How Yoga Therapy Works

Yoga therapy is a combination of physical exercise and therapeutic techniques. It can be performed by health professionals who have professional training and qualifications in yoga therapy.

Yoga therapy may be used to treat a variety of conditions and health problems, including:

  • back pain
  • headaches
  • stress-related disorders (e.g., anxiety)depression and mood disorders (e.g., seasonal affective disorder) musculoskeletal problems (e.g., arthritis) eating disorders sleeping difficulties


The focus of yoga therapy is different than the focus of general yoga practice. Yoga therapy is a form of treatment that uses poses and movements to help heal your body and mind. If you have any questions about yoga verses yoga therapy, please reach out to us and we will try to help answer your questions at 703-887-9574. At PIES Fitness Yoga Studio in Alexandria, VA we believe everyone should be able to experience the benefits of yoga. We strive to offer over 30 intimate classes weekly that are accessible to all, especially those new to yoga!