How Can Yoga Help With Allergies?

Yoga is a purifying science as it helps us to heal both the body and the mind.
With constant practice of certain asanas and breathing exercises, we will not only be able to breathe better but help improve our immune and lymphatic systems.
Did you know that stress is a key factor in the deterioration of our immune system? We suffer from allergic reactions when our body is affected by stress and attacks the immune system in such a way that it does not know how to react.
Practicing yoga outdoors can be quite a challenge if you suffer from allergies. Here is a guide so you can practice yoga without any discomfort or interruptions:
Meditation can become a great ally during this season. On many occasions, it is the combination of allergy and stress that makes our allergic reactions more intense.
There are studies that confirm that those people who live in a situation of continuous stress are more likely to suffer symptoms and stronger episodes of allergy.
Best asanas to fight allergies
This one is a fantastic way to open the chest, lungs and throat to free the breath. This pose stimulates the thymus gland, which is located under the sternum while helping drain the body and promote blood circulation as well.
Plow Pose
Helps open the muscles at the base of the skull and the back of the neck, where pressure tends to accumulate. When these muscles are loose, drainage is clearer.
Salamba Sarvangasana (Shoulder-Stand Pose)
Besides improving blood flow in the lungs and being extremely beneficial to soothe the nerves and calm the mind, the “shoulder-stand pose” not only helps you get some relief from allergic rhinitis, but also reduces insomnia and mood swings like irritability.
Sethu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose)
This pose stimulates the lungs while reducing fatigue, headaches, stress and mild depression. It’s very beneficial to practice the “bridge pose” to stretch the neck and chest.
Tree Pose
Or called “vrikshasana” will help you find balance in life. This pose builds confidence and self-esteem while giving your body a good stretch from the head to toe. This one helps you stay focused.and calms your nervous system.
For a complete stretch for your neck, shoulders, chest and lungs, this is the one. Additionally, it helps strengthen your back muscles and improves respiration.
New to yoga? At PIES Fitness Yoga Studio in Alexandria, VA we believe everyone should be able to experience the benefits of yoga. We strive to offer over 30 intimate classes weekly that are accessible to all, especially those new to yoga!