Different Ways to Stay Active

There is no alternative to being active if you want to live a healthy life. You only need to find the right activity that you enjoy to lead an active lifestyle. Staying active is especially important for the seniors. If you want to stay active, you should set yourself reasonable goals, find the right sources of motivations, and view exercise as fun. Here are the different ways to stay active:
1. Walking
One of the easiest and widely accepted ways of staying active is to walk more. It is one of the most convenient activities you can do.
However, if you want to burn more calories, you can walk more briskly for a longer duration. With so many fitness gadgets available for cheap these days, you can also use them to keep track of how many steps you took today. If you set achievable goals every day, you will soon find yourself walking more and staying active!
2. Standing Up And Moving About
If you have to stay seated for a long period, you should at least stand up and walk around for five minutes every hour. Most of the people have to sit for long hours at work. If you can work standing up, you will be staying more active and burning more calories!
3. Taking Your Dog Out For A Walk
Instead of sitting in front of the TV all day, you can take your log out for a walk. Pets need to stay active. Getting a dog can improve your level of activity too!
4. Practicing Yoga
Yoga plays a vital role in easing stress and promoting relaxation. Many people begin practicing yoga as a way to cope with feelings of anxiety. However, staying active depends on body condition. It is essential to keep our body fit to stay active throughout the day. Here are some yoga asanas that can help us in staying active all the way.
To perform this yoga asana, first of all, lie flat on the back with arms straight by the side of your body and palms touching the ground. Then slowly raise the legs together without bending knees and bring them in a vertical position. Now press the hands and without bending the legs, take them back as far as possible towards the head till the toes touch the ground. Bring the arms from the side of the body beyond the head. Lock the finger and taking its support at the head, bend the back further. Slowly and gradually follow the reverse steps and return to the starting position.
Halasana helps to maintain the flexibility of the spine. It also helps to strengthen the abdominal muscles and prevents constipation. All gastric discomfort is removed by performing this yoga asana. Halasana is useful in controlling high blood sugar levels.
It helps to prevent protrusion of the belly as well.
To perform Shavasan, lie down on the back with all 4 limbs in a relaxed position. Close the eyes and breathe slowly and deeply. Relax all body parts by loosening them. Then meditate in this position. This will help you in the relaxation of muscles of your body.
Shavasana helps a person to free himself from the Mental and Physical stresses. As a result, it helps in reducing the raised blood pressure and relief from Insomnia.
This yoga asana is commonly known as the snake pose. First of all, lie down on the abdomen with feet together. Arms should be by the side of the body and forehead resting on the ground. Now raise the head and bend the neck backward, simultaneously raise the chest with the help of the arms and lift the back further without raising the navel. Maintain this posture for 1-2 minutes according to your convenience and then reverse to bring the body slowly back to the ground. Finally, relax the arms and place them by the sides of the thighs.
This yoga asana keeps the spine flexible and strengthens the back and abdomen muscles.
It also helps to tone up the organs of the abdomen, increase appetite and prevents constipation.
Surya Namaskar
Surya Namaskar means to greet. It is done facing the sun. It energizes the entire neuro-glandular and neuro-muscular system of the body. Practicing this yoga asana regularly will ensure a balanced supply of the oxygenated blood and perfect harmony to all the systems of the body, thus strengthening the entire Psychosomatic Somatic System of Human constitution.
Doing yoga in the right way is crucial for overall body improvements. Piesfitnessyoga has classes on various types of yoga, and it can also teach you the proper techniques to achieve a healthy body. We have a specialized senior yoga class too. Book the Beginner Yoga class by Piesfitnessyoga and stay active throughout the day.