How Yoga Can Increase Your Strength

Yoga provides a variety of benefits. Stress reduction, mental focus, and reduced back pain are a few of its many perks. However, yoga practice can also improve your strength, mobility, balance, and concentration! There are several ways of strengthening the body through yoga. Let us take a look at the different yoga poses that can help you build up strength!

Top 10 Summer Health Tips

While summer could be a slight relief from the cold days, it also brings along various health problems like dehydration, sunburn, upset stomach, bacterial infections, heat stroke, and more. It is necessary to make sure you are eating the right foods and doing the right workout for the overall body improvements.  Restore and replenish your skin and physical health with

7 Proven Benefits of Yoga for Seniors and Older People

As we age, it becomes essential to stay active to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise can make you feel more energetic and strong. However, starting a new strenuous exercise can be intimidating for seniors. The risk of strain or joint pain can often keep you from being active. In contrast, starting a senior yoga practice is a wonderful option

How To Become A Yoga Teacher

Yoga is growing by leaps and bounds as a common form of exercise. The number of yoga studios is seeing a rapid increase across the country. Yoga participants in the United States may rise to 55 million by 2020. This ever-increasing popularity reveals how widespread it has become. If you’re passionate about yoga, there’s never been a better time to

5 Ways Yoga Can Help You Live a Peaceful Life

Yoga helps liberate your body, mind & soul. Whatever you may be looking for–weight loss, strong & flexible body, glowing beautiful skin, peaceful mind or good health– yoga can offer it. Most of the time people misunderstand yoga as “Asanas” only. They do not realize the positive impact yoga offers in uniting the body, mind & breathe. Hence, people should

5 Yoga Poses You Should Try

It is well documented how important yoga is in people’s lives, whether it is improving relationships, losing weight, or even to destress, there are plenty of reasons that everyone should try to incorporate yoga into their lives. Whether you are practicing at home or you enroll in one our classes at either of our locations, here are some yoga poses

How Can Yoga Help You Become a Better Athlete?

Yoga is known for benefits that include stress reduction, mental focus and reduced back pain, among many others. Most athletes push their bodies to the edge and consistent yoga practice can contribute to improvements in strength, mobility, balance and concentration. Both physiological benefits and mental rewards support performance and allow athletes to handle mental and emotional demands of a tough

Importance of Yoga in Our Lives

Yoga is the alignment of the mind, body and soul. In practicing Yoga, your health will improve and allow you to grow spiritually and physically. Yoga is increasing in popularity and it has many benefits including weight loss, improved relationships and pain management. Yoga is the alignment of the mind, body and the soul Definition of Yoga Yoga has been

The Power of Optimism

For many people all over the world, optimistic thinking can be a difficult pill to swallow sometimes. Each day there are things we face in life that may not always go as planned. In the face of a flat tire on the way to work or an unexpected home repair needed, the glass can always seem half empty. If you’re

4 Ways Yoga Can Help with Relationships

The popularity of yoga is on the rise in the United States. It’s estimated there are about 37 Million yoga participants in the United States and that figure should rise to 55 million by 2020. With the rapid popularity of yoga, many who haven’t tried yoga or don’t do it on a regular basis may not realize all of the