What’s The Importance Of Yoga In Our Life?

Yoga is an Indian spiritual and physical practice or discipline whose origins date back to prehistoric times. Contrary to what some may think, Yoga is not just about exercise with the main purpose of improving health and well-being, but it’s also about self-realization.  The importance of Yoga in our lives cannot be underestimated. It is a science that focuses on

What Is Yin Yoga And Why You Should Try It

Have you been curious about yin yoga but not sure what it is? While the name might sound strange, yin yoga is a type of yoga where postures are held for long periods of time.  It’s like regular yoga, except that you spend more time on the floor. You might be thinking to yourself, “What’s the point in doing that?”

How Can Yoga Help Improve Optimal Sleep?

Do you wake up relaxed and happy every day or do you wake up grumpy and tired? Perhaps the latter. A study suggests, around 40%  of the US population do not get the recommended amount of sleep, but much less than that! The causes of this issue vary but ultimately the main result is we need more sleep, and the

How can yoga therapy help with resilience?

Yoga therapy provides physical fitness, relaxation, and focus. It has both a meditative quality and can also serve as a way to stay in shape. The benefit of yoga depends on what you’re looking to gain from your practice. In addition to the physical benefits of yoga, it has some extraordinary rewards for people’s mental health. Yoga has been known

Yoga Therapy And Its Benefits

Every day we wake up having stressed or rested, taxed, or replenished our minds and bodies in different ways. Yoga therapy recognizes that relief of symptoms is just one facet of the healing process and that not all illnesses and diseases can be cured. However, it provides a methodology to heal lives, reduce pain, and stress. Yoga is all about

How Can Yoga Help With Trauma?

Not every stressful event will be experienced as trauma. There are various types of trauma. Some people develop symptoms from a stressful event that resolve after a few weeks, while others may have a long-term effect. Traumatic events are actually common, and most people experience them at least once during their lives. People can recover with the help of family

What is a chakra?

Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means a wheel or disk. In yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda, chakras can simply be defined as the concentrated energy centers of the body. They have the earnest responsibility of taking in, incorporating, and emanating energy to keep us functioning at optimal levels. Chakras provide energy that cannot be seen by the human eye but

What Is A Yogi?

Yoga is simply a physical and mental fitness system practiced for thousands of decades. It was first originated in India but now increasingly throughout the globe. In the modern world, Yogis are known as calm, fit, bendy, enlightened figures with desirable physical and mental stability. This can be a far journey away from the distractions, stresses, and limitations of your

What To Wear In The Yoga Classes

Yoga is one of the finest practices to keep your physical health in check while also calming your mind and helping you to get stronger. It is intended to be a meditative, calm & relaxing form of exercise. Yet, dressing for yoga can be intimidating for beginners.  One of the most commonly asked questions we receive from people is “Okay,

7 Tips On What To Wear For Yoga

One of the concerns many beginner yoga practitioners have is what to wear in during a yoga session. To make it simple, yoga is a welcoming place for everyone to relax. The idea is stress-relief and not put extra stress on what to wear.  Still, if you are feeling self-conscious or just don’t know what to wear, you are not