6 Ways To Stay Active At Your Home

The recent pandemic has changed our style of life in a very unprecedented way. It seems that no single aspect of our lives hasn’t been touched by it. You might be adjusting to a work-from-home routine but are you staying fit? Or are you navigating remote learning for the first time? Or you might be sick or taking care of someone who is sick. Juggling this new lifestyle can very daunting. So it is key to be mentally and physically fit.
Here are the 6 ways you stay fit at home.
Yoga exercises
One of the best ways of staying fit is to do simple yoga exercises. It does not only keep you physically fit but also lift your spirit and mental state. Yoga is a great option to stay active and is also flexible enough to adapt for everyone. But there are many different types of yoga, but here are some easy ones you can try at home:
1 Sun salutation
This technique is great for getting your energy pumped up for the morning. It is a series of movements that warms, strengthens, and connect the entire body. This is more close to serving as an all-purpose yoga tool.
2 Seated yoga
Imagine watching TV or listening to music for a long time. You will get bored eventually. Why not try chair-based activities which are a great way to make the most of the time you spend? This yoga is also ideal when your mobility is limited.
3 Warrior yoga
Warrior styles are very crucial for building strength and stamina in yoga practice. They will give you a lot of confidence boost and flex your hips and thighs while building strength in your lower body and core.
4 Bridge Pose
If you have some outdoor space, the bridge pose is ideal to practice underneath the sun. The bridge is very good for newcomers and it stretches the upper body and strengthens the back body.
General Exercise
Most of the gyms are currently close due to social distancing but you can do some regular exercise to stay on top of your physical fitness. The best way to stay motivated is to do exercise with your family. Great excuse to make family bonding too! If your family has young children, try making challenges to make exercise more interesting and fun at the same time.
Proper Recess
It’s important to work and gets physically fit but it equally important to recess too! Make sure to have a relaxed period after a workload. Create a combination of structured and unstructured physical activity into every day of your routine.
Connect With The Fitness Community Online
It doesn’t matter if you are a competitive athlete or a weekend trainee, always make sure to stay connected with your friends and your community online with appropriate social media channels. Hanging out with friends virtually is a great way to stay active and have a stressless mind. Do video calls or play games together, options are limitless but staying connected is the key to relief your body and soul.
Try Something New
This might sound a bit far fetched but learning something new is always a better way to stay active. Since most of the time, you are spending at home. Learning a utility might come very handy in the future. There are loads of skills to learn either psychically or virtually. Give a try to make the best out of your time.
Final Words
Staying at home can get quite boring. It’s better to plan each day with some exercise in the middle of work or another time. The best ways are Yoga, learning new skills, and general exercises. If you are interested in yoga and want to learn more be sure to check PIES Fitness yoga. We are dedicated to making yoga accessible to everyone, you can learn more yoga tips and get virtual tips to stay more active and healthy. Start your day with a fresh prospect!