5 Yoga Poses You Should Try

It is well documented how important yoga is in people’s lives, whether it is improving relationships, losing weight, or even to destress, there are plenty of reasons that everyone should try to incorporate yoga into their lives.
Whether you are practicing at home or you enroll in one our classes at either of our locations, here are some yoga poses whether you are a beginner, intermediate or an expert yogi that you might want to try.
#1 – Mountain Pose
The mountain pose is the base for your standing pose and it allows you to imagine how to truly connect and feel one with the earth below you. It may appear on first glance to just be standing still but there’s so much more going on.
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#2 – Downward Facing Dog
Adho Mukha Svanasana, or more widely known as Downward Dog, is one of the most widely practiced yoga poses on the planet. It stretches and strengthens your entire body. It may not look very difficult but it requires strength, flexibility, and stamina to be performed correctly.
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#3 – Tree Pose
Tree is a standing balance pose that you can use to help you to gain focus or clarity. You also may place your hands in front of your chest. Similar to the video below. Learn to inhale and exhale while you are standing and keep the body balance on one foot. As with most of these poses, it may look easier than it is.
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#4 – Plank
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#5 – Warrior Pose
How to Video
The best way to try to these poses is in our class with us at PIES, if you want to try them sign up for one of our classes.
At PIES, we are focused on ensuring that you have the best Yoga Experience in Northern Virginia. We have various beginner yoga and senior yoga programs and classes at our studios in Alexandria, Virginia, please give us a call at 703-887-9574 to schedule your class.
- West End Village Studio (formally Trade Center Studio): 374 South Picket Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22304
- Valley Forge Studio: 33 South Picket Street, Suite 200, Alexandria, Virginia 22304 (Entrance 5201 Valley Forge Drive)
Check out our blog for additional posts about yoga and our other classes. Contact us at piesfitness@aol.com.